
Monday, August 1, 2016

Hello August: Let's Crush Some Goals

I honestly cannot believe it is August 1st! For us this marks the end of summer and the beginning of the school year. I can't believe how fast summer passed (or the past 7 months for that matter). I'm excited to take on the next five months though! New month, new vision, new goals! Let's do this!

August 2016 Goals

- Read more - We bought all 3 of us Kindle Fires on Prime Day. We also joined a group on GoodReads that does a group read as well as yearly, quarterly, and monthly challenges. We also want to spend more time doing some silent reading with Lil Man. He has worked really hard to complete his annual 100 book summer challenge, but we want to make sure he sees us reading too. 

- Get Organized & Stay Organized - This is a never ending goal for us. My ADD and anxiety battle each other on this front. I either 1)can't seem to focus long enough to get organized, 2) can't focus on it long enough for it to become a habit, or 3) come up with something too complicated for my ADD brain to stick to doing. Then when things are chaotic my anxiety kicks in and I have to dig myself out. I want to actually finish setting up our "command center" we started in January.

Focus on School - For us and Lil Man, I want to make sure we're focused on school better than we were in the spring. It's time to buckle down. Lil Man is starting 5th grade this year and we're starting our 3rd semester for our Masters degree. 

- Learn to Sew - We got a sewing machine for Christmas a couple of years ago. I've always wanted to learn how to sew. Well we finally opened the box. Yes, we've had it for couple of years still sealed in the top of a closet. But now it's open and we picked up some scrap fabric, so it's time to get started. 

- Leave Work at Work - Ok, so this one is a hard one for me, but I'm really trying. I have too much other stuff to accomplish to keep working endlessly for someone else. 

- Be Consistent (with Our Side Gigs & Hobbies) - So I want to be more consistent in life overall, but especially in our side gigs and hobbies. I want to post on here more. I want to continue to build my R + F business. I also want us to continue to focus on growing our TpT store and that blog. We also just opened an Etsy store, and I'd like to maybe start a blog for that too. 

- Be More Social/Network More - This is both a personal goal and professional/side gig goal. We have no social life. It's work, school, and dance for us; so I want to spend more time with people we care about. I also want to spend more time networking with other bloggers, teacher-authors, and Etsy shop owners. 

- Screen-free Family Time - I want to make it a point to take time for some screen-free family time amidst our crazy schedules. 

Well there you have it. There's my August goals! Some of these goals will carry over into other months and some will become more specific as time goes on. 

What are your goals this month? 


  1. I think all of these goals are great goals, and attainable. I wish you both the best in accomplishing what you're hoping to accomplish.

    1. Thanks! I had to remind myself that keep it simple!

  2. Great goals! I think I'd like to have more time off of my computer and phone and to spend it wth my family instead! I also need to work on leaving work at work!

    1. Thanks! Definitely great things to work on!
