
Friday, April 10, 2020

Feeling Stressed, Blessed, and a Heartbroken Mess

We have always said that everything happens for a reason. We don't always know or understand the reason or the timing, but there's always a reason.

What's the reason for the current state of our country and the world? No one knows. What I do know is that my family is beyond blessed. We are stressed; don't get me wrong, we are stressed right along with everyone else. Let me explain...

We are stressed about potential risk of illness for our family. We're worried about the health of our loved ones. We're worried about how all of this will impact the economy in the long run. We're worried about small businesses we love, especially the dance studio our kiddos go to.

We are blessed to be able to be home with each other and our kiddos. We are trying to be intentional with spending time together. Of course, there's constant Disney movie marathons going in our house followed by the pretty regular dance party. We're spending time together reading, coloring, and playing. We're also taking time to to plan intentional learning opportunities for the girls. We've spent time outside with riding toys, balls, and bubbles. We are blessed have jobs that are allowing us to work from home and continue to be paid. This in itself is a blessing for us. But the biggest absolute blessing for our family happened just before all of this really started when I accepted a new job just days before our world shut down.

Heartbroken Mess
We are heartbroken for our students who don't get to finish out their Pre-K year with their teachers and friends. Honestly, we're heartbroken for ourselves, because March to May is such an incredible time to be in the classroom. We're sad for how Joey's 8th grade year has been cut short. While thankfully he isn't a senior in high school this year, this is still a big transition. I remember my 8th grade year very well and cherish so many memories from the spring semester of that year. He's missing out on his 8th grade dance and end of year celebrations. We're sad that Easter will look so different this year. Though we may just have a family egg hunt a couple of weeks late. We're also sad that we can't be with our family. We can't snuggle our new little nephew and hug the necks of those we love. Video chats help a little though.