
Friday, March 1, 2019

Fostering Love: The Anticipated Yet Unexpected Call

Sister, Bubba, & Sissy in Feb 2019
Feb 2019 - Sister, Bubba, & Sissy

Sister and Sissy at hospital in May 2018
May 2018 - picking up Sissy from the hospital

Time to play a little catch up! We've had a busy 9 months!

After Sweet Baby C left us, it was 18 days before we received the call for our next placement. The wait for the call was hard since we had only waited 3 days after our approval call, but we also knew that we had a packed schedule and it all would work out when it was meant to.

Well...on the afternoon of last day of school, we received the call for our next placement. 4 day old twin baby girls. Had we received the call any day before then, we wouldn't have been able to say yes because daycare isn't an option that young. The timing was perfect, and we said yes to the exciting, scary adventure we were about to face.

Baby KA (Sister) and Baby LM (Sissy) have been in our care for right at 9.5 months now. Sister was picked up from the hospital and brought to us on the day we received the call. Sissy had to stay in the hospital just a little longer. We went and picked Sissy up two days later at the hospital. Sister and Sissy met for the first time (outside of the womb) at 6 days old.

These sweet girls have changed our lives and the lives of everyone in our family. We are so blessed to be able to shower them with love.